Enableance - Business & Personal Life Coaching by Preeti & Nilesh Khare
ENABLEance is about enabling people, relationships, and organizations to be their best; even beyond their own imagination.
We have seen the magic of transformation. It has been inspiring to witness individuals, relationships and organizations coming to lead a more fulfilling existence that once seemed impossible or cannot even be imagined.

We have witnessed this in our lives, around us, and in the lives of our coachees and clients. People have gone on to achieving success and nurturing relationships. Organizations have grown profitably and not-for-profit organizations surpassed the milestones they set for themselves.
Often the transformation involves facilitated reflections and empathetic but firm hand holding that allows you to discover alternatives, make better choices, and hold yourself accountable to actions—in other words catalytic enabling support. That’s who we are. We bring passion, expertise, experience, and exposure to enable YOU.

Our Vision

 “We envision a World with fulfilled individual lives, joyful relationships, and great organizations” 

Our Mission

  • Enable individuals, relationships and organizations to discover and realize possibilities and true potential.
  • Passionately partner our clients in their transformative journeys by facilitating reflections and offering access to experience and expertise.

Ready for the next step?

Transform! Start your transformation journey with Nilesh & Preeti today.